Remedy for shani ( the brahmastra) - dasharath shani stotra

Sani is the most dreaded planet among the 9 planets, reason being he moves slowly and corrects the accounts of your karma. One cannot escape their doings be it good or bad ,this life or past life, shani keeps track of it all and gives the due to you. Even lord shiva himself couldnt escape it. he was forced to beg alms because of his brahman hatya sin ( he chopped off the 5th head of brahma who was a brahmin). and since he moves slowly his transits are slower hence the period of his dasha/transit is longer, meaning longer period of suffering or happiness according to karma.

Of all the transits, the most dreaded one is shani's transit through moon's nakshatra Rohini also known as Rohini Shakat Bedan. Shastras say "kings will vanish, kingdoms will fall, empires will come to an end when shani transits rohini nakshtra".

In recent times shani transited rohini on 22nd may 2001. Result was entire royal family was killed on 1st june 2001. Prince dipendra killed the king queen and 7 royal family members. Raja of Gwalior also and indian congress member called Madhav Rao Scindia died of plane crash on 30th september 2001. and who can forget one of the most horrific terror attacks on 11th september 2001 on twin towers (world trade center) led by Osama bin laden. along with attack on pentagon which killed thousand of innocent people.

Its said that during the reign of King Dasharath (father of lord rama), sani was going to transit through rohini. King in order to save is people and kingdom from the wrath of shani composed a stotra to appease him and recited it. Its said that shani was so pleased with it  tat he blessed him and promised tat he wouldn't enter rohini nakshtra during the kings rule. another story says he gave te remedy to save te kingdom  by telling him to seek Rishi Rishyasringa's help  as wherever Rishyasringa lives, that country will have no drought and dryness. King married his daughter Santa to the rishi and ensured the rishi was always staying in ayodhya, tus saving his kingdom.

Hence its said it is excellent remedy to appease sani, and most effective to do it on saturdays. Recommended especially for people with afflicted shani or going through sadesati, dhaiya, kantaka shani or even shani dasa.


Recite on Saturdays
Start on sukla paksha saturday or shani pradosha saturday  or shani trayodasi saturday.
chant at sunrise or during shani hora
recite it 1,3,9,27 or 108 times as convenient.
chant before shani yantra or photo or blue sapphire
you can also cant it in temple while circumbulatingor standing before the sani idol
offer cooked rice with black seasame and ghee, or just black seasame laddoo to god.
any flowers can be offered.
donate food,til,iron,oil,clothes (especially black) to poor  or feed stray dogs on saturday.


Dhyaathwa Saraswatim Devim Gananatham Vinayakam.Raja Dasharathah sthothram Saureridhamathakaroth.
Namo Neela mayukhaya Neelothpala nibhaya cha,
Namo Nirmaansa dehaaya Deergha shmashru jataaya cha,
Namo Vishaala nethraaya Shushkodhara bhayaanaka
Namah parushagathraya sthularomaaya Vai namah
Namo nithyam Kshudhaarthaaya Nithyathapthaya Vai namah
Namah Kaalaagni rupaaya Krthaanthaka namoshthuthe,
Nameste Kotaraakshaaya Durnireekshyaaya Vai namah
Namo Ghoraaya Raudraaya Bheeshanaaya Karaaline
Nameste Sarva bhakshaaya Valeemukha namosthuthe
Surya putra namestesthu bhaskare bhaya dhayaka
Adho-drushte namasthubhyam vapuhshyaama namosthuthe
Namo Manda-gathe thubhyam nisthrinshaaya namo namah
Thapasa dagdha-dehaya nithyam yogarathaya cha
Namesthe gyaana nethraya kashyapathmaja sunave
Thushto dadasi Vai raajyam rushto harasi Thathkshanaath
Devaasura manushyaashcha pasupakshisareesrpaah
Thvaya vilokithaah saure dainyamaashu Vrjanti cha
Brahmaa shakro yamashchaiva rishayah saptha-tharakaah
Rajya bhrashtaashcha t’e sarve thava drishtyaa vilokithaah
Deshaa nagara graamaa dweepashechai vaadrayasththaa
Raudra Dhrushtyaa t’u ye drushtaah kshayam gacchanti thath kshanaath
Prasaadam Kuru me saure varaartheham thavaashrithah
Saure kshamasvaaparaadham sarvabhutha hithaayacha